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Students whose first semester at Augsburg was Fall 2018 or later can view their completed and remaining graduation requirements by running their degree audit. The dynamic audit report also lists the various options for satisfying the remaining graduation requirements. See the Degree Audit page for more information and for links to the short training videos.

Students whose first semester at Augsburg was prior to Fall 2018 can view their completed and remaining general education and core requirements by viewing their Graduation Audit, which is accessible in Records & Registration.

Graduation Checklist for graduate students

Advising and planning for graduation occur throughout a student’s time in their graduate program.

Graduate students planning to complete degree requirements by the end of summer should fill out the Grad Program Intent to Graduate form no later than early March. Paperwork submitted later than early March may not be processed in time for inclusion in that year’s commencement ceremony. Graduate students planning to complete degree requirements at the end of December should fill out the Grad Program Intent to Graduate form no later than late November. Graduate students who finish their degree at the end of December will be eligible to participate in the commencement ceremony in May of the following year.

Please direct any questions to your grad program coordinator.

If any of the following information changes, notify immediately.

  • Name to be printed on your diploma
  • Mailing address (You can also update your address in Records & Registration.)
  • Commencement ceremony year (Your name can only be printed in one commencement bulletin.)
  • Planned grad term

Skip the next sections, which only apply to undergraduate students. Resume your reading in the “Participate in Commencement” section.

Graduation Checklist for undergraduate students

Advising and planning for graduation occur throughout a student’s program.

Submit Intent to Graduate Form or Packet

Begin the graduation application process up to one year (12 months) prior to the completion of your final graduation requirement. If you are interested in participating in the commencement ceremony, you must submit the Intent to Graduate Form/Packet no later than March 1. If you wish to receive all communications regarding the commencement ceremony, you should submit the form/packet by December 1.

Whether you need to submit a form or a packet depends upon whether you have a Degree Audit or a Graduation Audit. Typically, students who began at Augsburg in the Fall of 2018 or later will have a Degree Audit. Students who started earlier than Fall of 2018 will have a Graduation Audit. To confirm which audit you have, log in to Records & Registration and look under the Degree Progress header.

Students Who Started at Augsburg Fall 2018 or Later

Complete an Intent to Graduate Form.

Students Who Started at Augsburg Prior to Fall 2018

Complete the Intent to Graduate Cover Page and submit it with the following documents:

  • Major Checklist — Coordinate efforts with your advisor to fill in the checklist. Document completed requirements (semester and final grade) and remaining requirements (courses and semesters). An academic advisor can sign Major checklists unless a waiver, substitution, or exception is made, in which case a faculty advisor must not only electronically sign the Major checklist but also initial next to each waiver, substitution, and exception. If Adobe Reader cannot be used to provide electronic signatures, emails of approval from Augsburg accounts will be accepted as signatures and initials.
  • Minor Checklist — If applicable — Document completed requirements (semester and final grade) and remaining requirements (courses and semesters). Minor checklists only require a faculty electronic signature if a waiver, substitution, or exception is made, in which case their initials are needed beside each waiver, substitution, and exception. If Adobe Reader cannot be used to provide electronic signatures, the faculty advisor can state specific approvals via their Augsburg email account.
  • Graduation Audit — Download your graduation audit from the “Degree Progress” section of Records and Registration. In the email that you send from your Augsburg account regarding your Intent to Graduate Packet, state your plan for completing each remaining core curriculum requirement.

Attach all of the above documents (known as an Intent to Graduate packet) to

Review Intent to Graduate Form or Packet

Your submitted Intent to Graduate Form/Packet will be reviewed by the Registrar’s Office. If the form/packet is incomplete, the Registrar’s Office will follow up with you. Once the Registrar’s Office has approved your form/packet, your Intent to Graduate will be posted to your Augnet account under Records and Registration, and you will receive an email letting you know it is available. Please go to Records and Registration, click on “Intent to Graduate” under the Degree Progress header, click on the “Intent to Graduate” url, and then review the document, noting any comments made by the graduation team.

The combination of your approved Intent to Graduate Form/Packet and your current Degree Audit/Graduation Audit is your roadmap for finishing your degree! Reference them as needed during registration. If you need to revise your plan, make sure you are working with an advisor and notifying if the revision is significant (adding or dropping a major or minor, deferring your final semester, etc).

Monitor Degree Progress and Send Notification of Plan Changes

Occasionally verify your information in Records & Registration under “Student Info/Contacts.”

  • Is your name correct? If not, submit the Name/Demographic/Address Change Form with documentation.
  • Are your major(s) and minor(s) correct? If not, send a notification of the changes to If you are adding a major or minor, attach the approved and signed checklist.
  • Is your mailing address correct so that you will receive your diploma? Is your permanent email address and cell phone number correct so that you will receive commencement information? Submit any changes through Records & Registration or the Name/Demographic/Address Change Form.

Also, periodically review the first page of your form/packet. If any of the information below is incorrect or has changed, notify as soon as possible to prevent delays to your graduation. If you are making changes that do not have a significant impact on your completion plans (taking a course in Fall instead of Spring, changing from one elective option to another listed option), you do not need to notify the Registrar’s Office. When in doubt, send an email.

  • Name to be Printed on Diploma
  • Degree(s), major(s), and minor(s). If you are adding a major or minor, you must submit new signed checklist(s) to the Registrar’s Office. Remember that any substitutions also require faculty initials or email documentation.
  • Planned Grad Term. Are you on track for completing the remaining requirements by the Planned Grad Term indicated?
  • Commencement Ceremony Year. Note that you can participate in a ceremony as long as you are within 12 credits/3 requirements of completing your degree and the degree will be earned by the end of the following Fall semester (December). Please also note that your name can only be listed with one graduating class (e.g. Class of 2021) per degree. If you want your name to be listed with the next year’s graduates instead, request to be deferred to the next ceremony year no later than mid-March.
  • Additional course substitutions, waivers, or exceptions. Your faculty advisor must send an email to approving any new substitutions, waivers, or exceptions.
  • Additional transfer/exam coursework. If you are planning to complete additional courses by transfer or exam, notify the Registrar’s Office of the details (e.g. course code, semester, transfer institution, exam name). Be aware of the senior residency requirement.

Students Who Started at Augsburg Fall 2018 or Later

Periodically review your progress toward meeting graduation requirements by looking at your current Degree Audit under the Degree Progress header in Records & Registration.

Students Who Started at Augsburg Prior to Fall 2018

Occasionally review your Graduation Audit in Records & Registration under the Degree Progress header.

  • Will you have completed all core requirements by your Planned Grad Term? If not, notify of your new Planned Grad Term and Commencement Ceremony Year (if applicable).
  • Will your GPA be at least 2.0 at the completion of all graduation requirements? If it will not reach 2.0, you will need to retake course(s) to raise your GPA.
  • Will the total credits you have earned from Pass/Low Pass credits be 24 or less? (Do not deduct the Pass/Low Pass credits earned in Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021. This has already been done and is reflected on the Graduation Audit.)

Periodically update your Major and Minor checklists in your Intent to Graduate Packet with the grades that you have earned since the packet’s submission. Doing so will help you track your remaining major and minor requirements. Your grades can be found on the “Grades/Unofficial Transcript” tab in Records & Registration.

Also consider these questions as you look at the “Grades/Unofficial Transcript” tab:

  • Will you have at least 128 credits at the end of your Planned Grad Term? If not, send a notification to of your new Planned Grad Term and your plans for reaching 128 credits. If you will not complete your graduation requirements by the end of December of your Commencement Ceremony Year, you need to defer commencement one year.
  • Will the Pass/Low Pass credits you have earned for your Major classes be 8 or less unless otherwise specified in the catalog? Exception: credits earned in Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021.
  • Will the Pass/Low Pass credits you have earned for your Minor classes be 4 or less unless otherwise specified in the catalog? Exception: credits earned in Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021.
  • Is all completed transfer work accounted for? If there is transfer work that you have not yet sent to Augsburg – including summer classes or PSEO, AP, or CIS coursework – submit it now, following the instructions under Sending Transcripts to Augsburg and Credit by Exam.

Participate in Commencement

Graduation (degree conferral) is what happens when you have completed all requirements and receive your degree. Commencement is a ceremony for students to celebrate their academic achievement with friends and family. Participation in commencement does not automatically mean that a student has graduated. Undergraduate students are allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony if they are within 12 credits/3 requirements of graduation at the time of commencement and will finish those requirements within the calendar year. Graduate students are allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony if they will finish their degree requirements by the end of the summer semester.

Commencement is held at the end of each Spring semester. Information about this year’s ceremony (timing, location, etc) will be updated on our commencement website as details about the ceremony become available.

Diplomas and Transcripts

Once grades are submitted, we will review your record for graduation.

If all graduation requirements have been met, we will award your degree and change your status to “Graduated.” You will receive an email notification of your graduation the next morning. If you are ordering transcripts to demonstrate degree completion, please wait until you receive this notification to prevent needing to order and pay for the final transcript a second time. 

The degree date printed on your diploma and transcript will be whichever degree date of twelve is closest to the completion of your final requirements. Augsburg has one degree date per month.

Diplomas are mailed out to everyone having a status of “Graduated”. You will first receive an email from Parchment with instructions for accessing your digital diploma. Parchment will then mail a paper diploma within 3-4 weeks after that email.

Please make sure your mailing address is correct in Records & Registration and that all financial obligations and exit loan counseling requirements are met so that you will receive your diploma in a timely manner.

Stay an Auggie!

As a graduate of Augsburg University you will receive invitations to alumni events, the Augsburg NOW, and a monthly e-Newsletter to keep you informed of events at the University and updates on former classmates. To ensure you receive these things, please keep your contact information up-to-date. To update your contact information or submit your news, visit the Alumni Office or email